• A minimum of $18000 fixed monthly salary in their last place of work.
• The last payout should not be more than six months prior to the date of application.
• For people who already hold the employment pass, the salary bracket is $12000.
Why opt for Personalized Employment Pass
Personalized employment pass is a kind of privilege token or VIP seat pass that comes with a lot of perks. Some of them are as follows:
Job Flexibility
Holders of this pass can opt for jobs in any industry and sector. It is almost a free reign; however, there are some jobs like in the medical sector, journalist, editors or massage therapists etc. for which prior permission might be required.
Job Search Options
Again, having a personalized employment pass is an added benefit as it allows a holder to search for better job opportunities continuously for 6 months without being employed. They can stay on in Singapore till they find the job they are looking for, within six months.
Family Comes Fast
PEP holders can fly in their spouses and children under the age of 21 on a document known as the Dependent pass. They can also bring their parents on Long Term Visit Passes. However, the applicant needs to apply for these passes at any of the branches of SingPost offices.
Conditions of Legitimacy
• The unemployment period cannot continue for more than six months at a stretch. If near exceeding the time limit, PEP holders must cancel their pass or find a job.
• There is a minimum annual fixed salary that has to be earned by PEP holders, which is $144,000 per year.
• The employees, who applied for PEPs before 1 December 2012, have to meet the requirement of reaching the fixed salary amount of a calendar year by 31 December 2014.
Some other Important Info
• The PEP once issued, is valid for three years, and cannot be renewed.
• PEP holders whose passes have expired or are on the verge of expiring can even continue on an Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass, but they will have to comply with the criteria of employment pass and S pass, without cancelling the existing PEP.